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    Chelsea’s Unbeatable Process for Cleaning Rugs

    Chelsea’s Unbeatable Process for Cleaning Rugs
    January 29, 2025 Gnu World
    Chelsea's Unbeatable Process for Cleaning Rugs

    At Chelsea Cleaning, we’re proud of the processes and equipment we use to clean loose rugs and carpets.

    We can fetch, clean and return loose carpets. Customers are also welcome to drop off carpets or rugs for cleaning at our Wynberg facility.

    We also offer expert cleaning of fitted carpets at our customers’ homes or office premises.

    What’s special about how we clean carpets

    Our approach isn’t one our competitors in and around the Cape can rival – and it has unbeatable results, cleaning and restoring carpets of all types without putting them at risk of shrinkage, fading or other damage.

    delivery of dryer

    Excitement when our new centrifuge spin dryer arrived last year

    A good beating

    For centuries, people have beaten their loose rugs to remove dust and other debris from them. This is still the best way to remove dirt from a carpet before washing it, providing far superior results to vacuuming alone.

    Some things have changed, though, including the tools available to help with the beating process.

    At Chelsea Cleaning, our Rugmaster delivers far more effective beating than it’s possible to achieve with a manual beater and muscle power alone.

    rugmaster for beating

    Industrial-strength beating to remove dirt

    For highly sensitive or shaggy carpets and flokatis, we still resort to good old “elbow grease”, beating the carpets by hand.

    beating a carpet the old fashioned way

    Beating a carpet the old-fashioned way

    Carpet-specific stain removal and careful washing

    After we’ve beaten a carpet, our approach depends on what materials the carpet is made from. This determines the cleaning solutions we use, as well as the nature of the washing and drying processes.

    For all loose carpets and rugs, we treat stains with an appropriate stain remover and then use a special, non-residue carpet cleaner, formulated for safe use on the relevant carpet type.

    Chelsea's Unbeatable Process for Cleaning Rugs

    Deep cleaning with solutions appropriate for a carpet’s type

    Depending on whether a rug is made of wool, cotton, silk or synthetic fibres, we wash it by hand, immerse it in a wash pond or dry-clean it using a perc solvent.

    Rinsing and centrifuge drying

    Our specialised centrifuge rinses and wrings carpets, and dries them in record time – without pulling them out of shape or risking shrinkage.

    The machine dries a carpet by up to 95% in just two to three minutes.


    Loading a carpet into our centrifuge

    For highly sensitive carpets that require a slower drying process, we still use traditional air drying rather than the centrifuge.

    Contact us at Chelsea Cleaning if you need help restoring a loose carpet or rug to its former glory, in or around the greater Cape Town area or in the Helderberg. We handle all types of carpets, from prized Persians to woollen rugs and flokatis, durries, kelims and modern carpets made from synthetic fibres.

    Contact us now